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StARSS Clothing Kits for Sexual Assault Survivors

Raised toward our $750 Goal
23 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 25, at 11:59 PM PST
Project Owners

WSU Students Advocating for the Rights of Sexual Assault Survivors (StARSS)

Students Advocating for the Rights of Sexual Assault Survivors, also known as StARSS, is a group of four pharmacy students founded through the Student National Pharmaceutical Association (SNPhA). StARSS’s mission is to educate future healthcare workers about sexual violence prevention and to make resources accessible to the WSU and greater Spokane community. 

In partnership with Lutheran Community Services (LCS), the goal of StARSS is to be the main source of distribution of clothing kits for the advocates who work with LCS. When a victim of sexual assault arrives to a hospital requesting a forensic exam, all of their clothes are surrendered as evidence. The purpose of these clothing kits is to restore dignity within each survivor. 

Your generous donations will fund these clothing kits and will ensure that each sexual assault patient is able to leave the hospital with a fresh set of clothes, rather than in hospital scrubs.


How can you help?

  • Make a donation between October 14th - November 25th.

  • Share this page to participate in the fight against sexual violence, prevent victim blaming, and support survivors nationwide. 

  • Visit and for more information and resources regarding sexual assault prevention and education.

Quotes from sexual assault survivors:

"I was very nervous about this process, and the advocate has given me the information I needed to feel confident and informed properly to address this matter."

"I would like to thank you all for your life changing services. I have much work to do to completely restore my life and faith and your support has given me hope and information that is necessary for my recovery. Thank you."

"She goes out of her way to make sure all my needs are being met, to make it easier on me, to make my situation better. I hadn't left my home for years so when we were first meeting she made sure that we met in a place where I felt safe and comfortable. She is my guardian angel."


Please feel free to follow us at to see our project's growth!

Choose a giving level


Victim Rights Pamphlet

Any amount of donation counts! $3 will help fund the distribution of Victim Rights Pamphlets.


Empowerment Stickers

Stickers of encouragement are included in each clothing kit


T-shirts & Undergarments

Purchases can go towards buying a 2-pack of t-shirts or a set of undergarments


Warm Clothing

Hooded jackets and sweatpants can be purchased with this amount. These items can help keep the survivors warm and add a little sense of comfort.


Complete Clothing Kit

Provide a full clothing kit for a sexual assault survivor!


Empowering Survivors

Your donation will go towards helping at least 4 sexual assault survivors in our local Spokane community!


Empowering Survivors

At least 10 sexual assault survivors will be able to benefit from your donation!


Super StARSS Donor

Numerous sexual assault survivors will be positively impacted from your generous donation. We will be able to fund clothing kits, empowerment stickers, and victim rights pamphlets. Not only that, we can provide victim rights posters in the hospital examination rooms for sexual assault survivors.

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