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WSU Everett Engineering Club

Raised toward our $1,500 Goal
34 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on December 01, at 01:00 AM PST
Project Owners

Rocket Team and Mars Rover Competition

Who We Are / Where We Are

This inspiring little campus, somewhat unknown to the greater Cougar community, is the new Everett WSU. 

The WSU Everett Engineering Club believes in learning through hands-on experience and sets out to facilitate growth through such challenges that even the effort of attempting them will forever set its members apart. 

No matter if students go on to become the next astronauts, space industry entrepreneurs, clean-energy revolutionaries, or simply engineers of other terrestrial needs, it is this club's goal to strive to always be learning, to take full advantage of this special time in history, and to roll up our sleeves and get down to work when necessary. 

Our Inspiration

Entering the workshop, you join in the fun, and get to witness the hive of activity of students moving in and out between classes, filling their spare moments with swift and urgent work at various projects. 

One minute you could be having a conversation about the efficiency difference of various propeller cambers in the Wind Energy Team's design, then brainstorm a launch lug mounting system on a rocket, and transition again to collaborating on the 3D design of a bracket that is minutes later prototyped and laser cut from wood, test fit, edited and cut again for final use. 

If it sounds like we have it pretty good here, that's the truth! It is our hope and goal to sustainably deepen and continue this experience for our students, setting them out into the world ready to be hands-on leaders in their respective fields, while drawing in an ever-improving cohort of talented STEM youth to benefit from the learn-by-doing creed. 

What We Do

WSU Everett Engineering Club has under its umbrella three teams currently. This campaign is centered on progressing the efforts of the two space-themed teams under the club: Rocket and Rover. Wind Energy is somewhat set apart in that they have already secured funding, but are with us in spirit!

Mars Rover:

In 2016 a group of students went to the University Rover Challenge in the Utah desert and took 2nd place among 30 international teams! Since then, a complete rework and new rover design have begun. Although development was steady, COVID stalled out the progress of the build. That is until the 2021 group of students came back to campus in person with hustle and gusto, quickly accelerating the design/build cadence and preparing for our first entry into competition since the stellar performance six long years ago. This means that higher than normal costs are now anticipated. Between all the materials to go from prototype to final build, coupled with a reasonable and modest budget for travel, lodging, and Rover transport to the desert this summer, and most recently - even replacing a burned up central computer, your donation will help ensure our efforts are not stillborn but rather wondrous in pride they bring to the Cougar community! 

Rocket Team:

The rocket team aims to advance as many of its members through the certification levels of the National Association of Rocketry and prepare for an outstanding first entrance into the competition next school year. To achieve level 1-3 certification, many rockets will have to be built (and possibly lost/exploded) in the next year before we can nail down everything from launch systems, recovery systems, flight computers and control, GPS tracking, apogee targeting, effective modeling of flight paths, designing efficient component parts like fins and nose cones. It is rocket science after all! Having just gone for L1 certifications by quickly building high-powered rocket kits, the team has learned a lot and will be quickly preparing for level 2 launches this Spring of 2022 while beginning design and component testing of the competition rocket for next school year!

"It always seems impossible until it's done." - Nelson Mandela

This is a special program, and we earnestly hope we can count on your support. 

Your donation, however small or large, goes towards the enhancement of this club and will be used efficiently yet aggressively to advance the efforts of the Rocket and Rover builds, while ambitiously competing against the brightest young engineering minds from universities around the world. 

Donate any amount today and help advance our efforts here to change the world!

Shoot for the stars and you may just land on the moon. 

Choose a giving level


Ground Level

All great space explorations start on Earth. Your donation of $5 helps us get off the ground! Ground Level Donors will have their name at the base of our donor plaque hanging in the Engineering Club for all posterity.


10,000 Ft Altitude

A real feat in amateur rocketry! And we use a lot of bottles of epoxy, which are about this cost. 10k Altitude Donors will have their name at the base of our donor plaque hanging in the Engineering Club for all posterity.


Buzz the Tower - 30k Ft

"Sorry, Goose, but it's time to buzz the tower." - Maverick 30k is the competition altitude goal for Intercollegiate Rocket Competition! "Buzz the Tower" Donors will NOT be clear for a flyby ... but they will get their name engraved on our workshop donor plaque of recognition on the second tier (bigger letters than Ground Level Donors)


Kármán Line

The official beginning of "space." It's certainly a great spot for tourism. Give the gift of the overview effect. Kármán Line Donors will get their name engraved on our workshop donor plaque of recognition on the second tier (bigger letters than Ground Level Donors)


LEO (Low Earth Orbit)

Humans have been continuously living in orbit for over 20 years onboard the ISS! Students today in our club will live and work onboard private stations this lifetime and we are excited! LEO Donors will get their name engraved in the second tier of our workshop donor plaque of recognition.


Moon Landing

Wouldn't it be great to go back to the moon? This level of gift is incredibly generous and is enough to purchase a single high-powered rocket motor, fabricate a carbon fiber suspension bracket for our rover, or cover the average last minute hardware store run for missing supplies. We can't thank you enough. We believe in moonshots Moon Landing Donors will have a 3" x 5" section on the donor plaque hanging in the Engineering Club workspace (where the magic happens) on which, in addition to their name, they can have printed any inspiring quote they want.


Mars Colony

Our little red neighbor is waiting for us to come and discover her beauty while establishing a base for humanity to reach into the stars - all while learning how to best preserve the Earth for endless generations. This level of support will help get our Rover to Mars on our Rocket! (figuratively at least). In addition to previous levels of recognition, Mars Colony Donors will have their name or logo laser engraved on the competition Rover (summer 2022) as well as painted onto aft portion of the competition rocket (summer 2023).


Oort Cloud

The spherical region of icy space debris, asteroids, and dwarf planets that marks the edge of our solar system and the beginning of interstellar space. Only two human made objects have ever entered this area, and we would like to change that - sending not only spacecraft, but passengers as well! In addition to the previous recognition levels, our Oort Cloud Level Donors will get to select a local primary or secondary school at which the WSU Everett Engineering Club will bring their functioning Rover to present and inspire the next generation of youth STEM leaders.


Alpha Centauri

The closest star system to our own at only a quick jaunt of 4.35 light years away! This galactic neighbor is a huge interstellar reach-goal for humanity at this point (much like this donation reward level). In addition to the previous recognition levels, Alpha Centauri Donors will have their name engraved in bold near the top of the donor recognition plaque in the club workspace. They will also have the opportunity to work with one of our designers to create a custom color scheme and rocket name for our upcoming Level 2 certification launch in the Spring, as well as a liftoff photo of their designed rocket in desktop appreciation plaque.


Beyond Space and Time

This level of donor has the means to facilitate a major advancement of our program, and the desire to witness the elevation of our students into world-class leaders in the space industry. With these funds we could commit to test stand facilities, student designed fuel systems, and air travel for Rover and Rocket competitions. In addition to the previous recognition awards, a Beyond Space and Time Donor will have a custom commissioned plaque made for them, have their name largely displayed on competition vehicles and above our workshop donor plaque. We probably don't have the authority to name a room after you on campus (but we can see!). Still, you will certainly have the everlasting pride in supporting future westside Cougar engineering leaders right under the nose of that other state school with too much money and terrible colors ...

Our Crowdfunding Groups