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National Student Advertising Competition 2023-2024

Raised toward our $2,000 Goal
26 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 15, at 11:59 PM PST
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Every Little Bit Helps

Thank you for your generosity!


Incentives for Research

Research is the foundation of a successful campaign. We will be conducting focus groups, surveys, personal interviews, etc. To draw people in, we need to offer incentives! Your donation will help us conduct research and get the insights we need to win!



Regardless of the competition outcome, we want to celebrate each other and the hard work we put into our campaign! Your donation will cover 1 team member's dinner.



Going from Pullman to Boise is quite the drive! Your donation will help us pay for gas and other traveling costs.


Competition Fees

Your donation will help cover the costs of our competition fees.


1 Hotel Room

We will be staying in Boise for 3 nights. Your donation will cover one night for 3-4 students.


Investing in Students

By donating this generous amount, you are investing in our program and its current and future students.


2 Hotel Rooms

A good night's rest is crucial before any competition. Your donation will cover the cost of two hotel rooms for a night.

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