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Prevention Science Poster Session

Raised toward our $1,000 Goal
14 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 15, at 11:59 PM PST
Project Owners

Prevention Science Poster Session 2024

What We Do

WSU's Prevention Science Graduate Student Organization seeks to support the next generation of Prevention Scientists who will spend their careers engaged in community-driven and culturally responsive prevention work. This important work guides programs, practices, and policies related to prevention. Consequently, it is critical for students to be well-practiced in presenting their research. Conferences and poster sessions provide such an opportunity for students and faculty to disseminate their work.   

Our Event

This year we have the pleasure of hosting the Prevention Science Graduate Student Organization Poster Session on our beautiful Vancouver campus. This event provides a unique opportunity to bring together Prevention Science students and faculty from WSU campuses across the state, as well as attendees and presenters from other departments who are doing prevention-related work, to showcase our interdisciplinary research, grow our professional skills, and build a sense of community. 

How You Can Help

We need your help to make this event a reality and to ensure equitable access to the event for students living outside of the Vancouver area. Thank you so much for your support and for investing in prevention! 

Choose a giving level


Prevention Supporter

Your donation will pay for a student meal.


Prevention Partner

Your donation helps fund event equipment.


Prevention Champion

Your donation helps support the cost of printing a student's poster.


Prevention All Star

Your donation supports one student's overnight lodging, making it possible for them to attend the event.


Prevention Super All Star

Your donation funds student transportation for all students from other campuses to ensure equitable access for students in other geographic locations.

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