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Your donation will be able to cover the cost of 1 white belt for the club.
Regardless of the competition outcome, we want to make sure to celebrate the hard work and effort of each person. Your donation will help to cover 1 team member's dinner
There is a registration fee for each competitor attending the competition. Your donation will cover the cost of 1 competitor's fee.
The competitors will be carpooling to drive from Pullman to Coeur d'Alene, using 2+ cars. Your donation will help cover fuel for a round trip for 1 car.
A gi is a two piece uniform worn while participating in Judo and many other martial arts. Judo specifically uses a double-weave gi, as it is necessary for it to be strong to withstand the grips and stress placed on the material. Your donation will help by covering the cost of 1 double-weave judo gi.