Wazzu "Racing" to Competition

Raised toward our $4,500 Goal
2 Donors
days left
Project ends on October 30, at 11:59 PM PDT
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Wazzu "Racing" Their Way To Competition

About Wazzu Racing

Wazzu Racing annually represents Washington State University at Formula SAE (FSAE); a collegiate design competition organized by the Society of Automotive Engineers. This competition is based on a formula racecar that students have the opportunity to design and build. By competing, students are challenged to apply classroom knowledge to real-world problems which, in turn, bolster their ability to communicate and work in teams. The program is made up of over 40 students from various majors and class standings. As such the leadership roles in the team further demand an ever-improving capacity to manage projects and cross-functional teams.

 Our Cause

This year, Wazzu Racing plans to compete at FSAE Michigan. However, the cost associated with travel, housing for our team, and transportation of the competition vehicle is beyond what we can currently afford. Donations will directly allow our team to showcase all of the hard work, dedication, and time we have spent designing and manufacturing our formula race car. Donate today and help Wazzu Racing get one step closer to Michigan in May!

What is Formula SAE?

The Formula SAE competitions challenge teams of university undergraduate and graduate students to conceive, design, fabricate, develop and compete with small, formula-style vehicles. The competition is an engineering education competition that requires performance demonstration of vehicles in a series of events, both off track and on track against the clock. Each competition gives teams the chance to demonstrate their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world.

Teams are to assume that they work for an engineering firm that is designing, fabricating, testing, and demonstrating a prototype vehicle. The vehicle should have high performance and be sufficiently durable to successfully complete all the events at the Formula SAE competitions. Each student team design will be judged and evaluated against other competing designs in a series of Static and Dynamic events to determine the vehicle that best meets the design goals, profitably, build, and marketability. 

 The Formula SAE competitions are held in six locations worldwide, including two in the United States. We plan to compete in the Michigan Competition in May of 2025. Last year for the 2024 Competition, it cost us $12,586.13 to compete and travel to Michigan. This cost does not include the money that has to come out of the students pockets for food and Comp jerseys or the cost to build the car.

Cost Breakdown of 2024 Competition

Registration: $2,750

Truck Rental & Mileage & Gas: $772.31 & $578.63 & $2,097.89

Two Van Rental & Mileage & Gas: $946.72 & $903.30 & $1,555.23

Hotels for 18 Students: $2,982.05

Total: $12,586.13

Donate today and help Wazzu Racing get one step closer to competing in Michigan in May!

Choose a giving level


Meal for one!

This will cover the cost of a single meal for a student at the competition. We can't compete on an empty stomach!


Comp Jeresy

Our students need to represent WSU and Wazzu Racing! This is the cost to cover a single Comp Jerey!


Quarter Gas for Vans!

While at competition we will have to rent two vans for transportation. This amount covers nearly 1/4 of the gas expense while at competition.


Safety Equipment

Safety is our number 1 priority! At comp, manufacturing doesn't end and we still require proper personal protective equipment! This purchases 1 pair of gloves, 2 pair of safety glasses, and a welding mask!


Night for One!

Cover the cost for a single student to stay a single night at a motel/hotel. The team should be staying approximately 5 nights


Racing Tire!

At comp, for our best performance we use new dry tires on our race car! This covers the cost of a single Hoosier Dry tire.



We pack in about 20 students into 2 vans and a truck. This amount covers about a QUARTER of the cost of gas from Pullman to Michigan (one-way)


Truck Rental

We trailer our car and tools to Comp and to do that we need a trcuk! This is the cost to rent a truck from WSU Motorpool.


Round Trip Road Trip!

In one van, we fit 8 students who get to go to comp! This amount covers about a ROUND TRIP of gas for both vans, totaling 16 students!

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